Over 650 regular staff and hundreds of part-time student positions sustain the facilities, services, and programs that support the University's residential communities. We hope you'll join the Housing team!

Eligibility Requirements for Undergraduate ResStaff


ResStaff Eligibility

  • Applicants must have completed at least two (2) terms (not including spring or summer term ) of college or university coursework, post-high school graduation by the start of Fall 2021 semester. 
  • Applicants are required to have a term and cumulative GPA of 2.5, without rounding, at the time of application in order to be considered for the position. Applicants who fail to meet the minimum GPA requirement will not be eligible to continue in the selection process. Applicants who are extended offers and fail to meet this requirement at the end of Winter Term will no longer be eligible for a student position. Incoming transfer students will be asked to present their official transcripts from previously attended institutions.
    • It is the responsibility of the applicant to notify the ResEd Student Selection team at [email protected], regarding any special circumstances (e.g. incompletes, grade changes, etc.) that may influence your cumulative GPA.
  • ResStaff members are expected to maintain a term and cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher throughout their appointment.
    • Courses selected as pass/fail or credit/no credit will be counted only toward meeting the term requirement; they will have no impact on GPA.
  • Must be in good standing with Student Life and the University. This includes upholding all policies and procedures as defined by the University of Michigan Standard Practice Guide, the University Housing Community Living at Michigan, the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibility, and any other applicable University policies and procedures.
  • Must comply with all institutional, local, state, and federal laws or guidance.
  • Housing Student Conflict Resolution, Housing Student Employment Work Record, University Records, and the Office of Student Conflict Resolution records will be checked to determine if an applicant is eligible to be hired for a student position. Final position offers are contingent upon verification of background check.
  • ResStaff in Undergraduate Housing must be pursuing an undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan. ResStaff must be enrolled and complete at least 8 credit hours each semester that they are appointed.
  • ResStaff appointments are for one (1) academic year and applicants must be able to commit to the full academic year – both Fall and Winter terms.
    • ResStaff who have the intent to return to the position for subsequent years are required to participate in an application, interview, and evaluation process annually. ResStaff may be reassigned to different communities based on the needs of the student population and department. 
  • You must be available to attend all of ResStaff training, prior to both Fall and Winter semesters. Training starts at the beginning of August 2025. Training start date may vary based on positions. Specific dates will be provided during the Winter term.
  • If you apply during the 2025-2026 ResStaff selection cycle and are not offered a position, you may not apply again until the 2026-2027 ResStaff selection process begins. We are unable to make exceptions to this requirement even if the application reopens.