Over 650 regular staff and hundreds of part-time student positions sustain the facilities, services, and programs that support the University's residential communities. We hope you'll join the Housing team!

MLC Women in Science and Engineering Residence Program Resident Advisor 2025-2026 Position Description


The Women in Science & Engineering Program Residence Program (WISE RP) is an undergraduate living and learning program. We support first- and second-year gender-minoritized students in academic majors and future careers in the sciences, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics fields. The program provides individuals with academic resources, a community of support from a diverse student population with similar majors and interests, and engagement opportunities through participation in a variety of activities and networks. Our community consists of approximately 100 first-year undergraduate students, approximately 25 Sophomore Peer Mentors and four WISE RP Resident Advisors, in addition to our professional staff and multiple student leader positions.

WISE RP Resident Advisors live in Mosher Jordan Residence Hall and are responsible for assisting the students on their floor, in the program, and throughout the building. This assistance comes from WISE RP RA’s in the form of floor- and community-wide programming, regular check-in meetings with floor residents, and proactively addressing community issues, needs and opportunities. 

We encourage all RA applicants interested in joining our community to learn more by visiting wiserp.umich.edu.


An average of 24 hours per week. If ResStaff participate in extracurricular activities outside of their ResStaff Appointment (i.e. another job, committees, sports teams, etc) that have the possibility to interfere with their ability and willingness to perform the full range of responsibilities associated with their ResStaff Appointment, they are expected to discuss this with their supervisor in advance. The supervisor, in consultation with Residence Education Central Staff and HR, will determine if a potential conflict of commitment exists and what the options are. All WISE RP program participants, including Resident Advisors, are expected to hold Tuesday evenings from 6:00pm-8:00pm for Fall and Winter term required events and activities.


  • Fulfill all of the advising, counseling, programming, and administrative responsibilities outlined in the Traditional Resident Advisor position description.
  • Provide programming and academic support within the WISE RP community, in conjunction the support of the WISE RP Passport to Success
  • Meet individually with each WISE RP participant living in your assigned floor area once per semester in order to get to know residents and assess their needs.
  • Assist and support WISE RP community-wide programmatic efforts for all WISE RP participants.
  • Attend bi-weekly staff meetings with fellow WISE RP RA’s and WISE RP professional staff.


Preference may be given to applicants with a major in STEM field. Gender-minoritized applicants with a strong desire and background in supporting communities of identity-minoritized individuals will also be given preference.

Must meet eligibility requirements as outlined in the Traditional RA position.

As this position may require more than twenty hours per week, individuals who are not able to work more than twenty hours per week will be ineligible for this position.


Co-supervised by the Hall Director and the WISE RP Associate Director.


As the WISE RP RA position exceeds 20 hours, this position includes a stipend for the time spent on WISE RP-specific responsibilities. 

Compensation includes room and board. The meal plan included is to be used as a tool to connect with residents.

Please consult with the Office of Financial Aid to determine how the position compensation may impact your award package.


By phone: (734) 763 – 6662 or email: [email protected]